Outlined, in the following paragraphs, is a summary of the steps all authors and participants should follow to complete the NUTRICON Congress Paper Submission Process. The submission forms and accompanying documents of every step can be found by clicking on the quick links below (in RED color) or via the ‘Call for Papers’ tab in the Main Menu. Authors can also view the additional ‘General Submission Timeline’ tab above to get a visual perspective of the projected submission process length before volume publishing.
1. CONGRESS REGISTRATION – Participants who attend NUTRICON will have to Register for the congress by completing the Congress Registration Form, which can be found in the main menu on the ‘Register Now’ button. After successful registration, participants will receive an automatic e-mail confirming their registration, with additional information to follow about their Submission Process if registered as authors, or about their Participation Process, if registered as Listeners, Trainees, or Sponsors & Exhibitors.
- Participants who register for the Congress as Listeners, Trainees, Sponsors & Exhibitors should skip the following submission steps, and directly proceed to PAYMENT.
- Before the Abstract Submission Process, authors should also view the CONGRESS TOPICS, as they will need to select a topic for their submitted manuscript during their abstract submission form.
- The corresponding author needs to submit a valid e-mail address for the Congress Team to establish personal contact and ensure further communication and guidance through the completion of the NUTRICON Participation & Submission Process.
2. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION – Following successfully registering for the congress, the corresponding author will receive an automatic e-mail to write and deliver their abstract to the Congress Editorial Team, in a specified time frame (5 days). After delivering their abstract to the Congress Editorial Team, the corresponding author can then expect to receive their Abstract Summary Review in the following week by their designated Congress Editorial Team Member. The review will detail the abstract’s full acceptance, or initial acceptance, with corrections needed to be made for full acceptance. If there are corrections to be made, the corresponding author will then need to conduct the required corrections and re-submit the corrected abstract back to their designated Congress Editorial Team Member via the same e-mail address in which they received their corrections, and follow the set deadline for re-submission, noted in the same e-mail. Then, if all corrections are fully completed, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail informing them of their completed Abstract Submission Process from their designated Congress Editorial Team Member, and that they can proceed to payment.
- The corresponding author is asked to abide by the provided documents when creating the Abstract Submission, which can be found ON THIS LINK.
- PAYMENT must be conducted shortly upon receiving the Initial Abstract Acceptance Review (or right after the corresponding author receives their Completed Abstract Submission Review), as the Full Paper & Cover Letter Submission Process that is to follow cannot be started without confirmed payment.
- Upon conducting payment, the corresponding author should then send confirmation of their payment (electronic/scanned document, picture, screenshot, etc.), via e-mail attachment, to the following e-mail address:, with the Subject Line: ‘NUTRICON Payment‘.
3. FULL PAPER & COVER LETTER SUBMISSION –Following payment (thus completing the Abstract Submission Step), the corresponding author can then submit their Full Paper and Cover Letter to the Congress Editorial Team for review (if they haven’t already done so). All authors have a timeframe of 1 month (30 days) to submit their Full Paper and Cover Letter, starting from the day they receive the e-mail that their abstract submission has been accepted. Following a successful submission Full Paper & Cover Letter, the corresponding author will receive an automatic e-mail confirming their submission and can expect to receive their Full Paper Review in the following couple of weeks, from their designated Congress Editorial Team Member, detailing corrections to be made. Upon completing their corrections, the corresponding author should then re-send the Full Paper to their Congress Editorial Team Member on the same e-mail on which the corrections were received, and should all corrections be fully completed, will receive an e-mail confirmation from their Congress Editorial Team Member of a completed NUTRICON Paper Submission Process, and should proceed to the Presentation Submission Process.
- The corresponding author is asked to abide by the provided documents when creating their Full Paper & Cover Letter Submission, which can be found ON THIS LINK.
- Every Full Paper submission must be also accompanied by a COVER LETTER by the corresponding author, indicating they have not submitted a similar manuscript for publication elsewhere, as submitted Full Papers without a cover letter will NOT be accepted.
- The Full Paper & Cover Letter Submission process cannot be started without confirmed payment, following abstract acceptance.
4. PRESENTATION SUBMISSION – Upon completing their Abstract and Full Paper & Cover Letter Submission Process, the corresponding author should then proceed to create and submit their Oral or Poster Presentation for Congress, to fully complete their NUTRICON Congress Submission Process.
- The corresponding author is asked to abide by the provided documents when creating their Oral or Poster Presentation Submission, which can be found ON THIS LINK.
- The presentation should be submitted no later than the 15th of MAY.
Upon delivering their completed presentation to the Congress Editorial Team, by utilizing the provided templates, and following the set presentation rules and guidelines, the corresponding author can then consider their NUTRICON Submission Process as COMPLETE.
The manuscript submission process can last up to 2 months. Still, it can also be completed much earlier (in under 1 month), depending on the general promptness of the corresponding author in following the set deadlines of manuscript delivery and correction, as well as timely payment.
DAYS 1-5
From Author Registration & Abstract Submission to Receiving an Abstract Summary Review.
DAYS 5-10
From re-submitting the Corrected Abstract to receiving a Completed Abstract Review.
DAYS 10-30
Period of time allocated for delivering the Full Paper & Cover Letter, and receiving a Full Paper Review.
DAYS 30-40
From re-submitting the Corrected Full Paper to receiving a Completed Full Paper Review.
After finishing their paper submission process, authors should deliver their presentation by May 15th.