Participants who attend NUTRICON will have to Register for the congress by completing the Congress Registration Form, which can be found in the main menu on the ‘Register Now’ button, or below. After successful registration, participants will receive an automatic e-mail confirming their registration, with additional information to follow about their Submission Process, if registered as authors, or about their Participation Process, if registered as Listeners, Trainees, or Sponsors & Exhibitors.
- Participants who register for the Congress as Listeners, Trainees, Sponsors & Exhibitors should skip the following submission steps, and directly proceed to PAYMENT, by ‘entering the e-shop’ below.
- Before the Abstract Submission Process, authors should also view the CONGRESS TOPICS, as they will need to select a topic for their submitted manuscript during their abstract submission form.
- The corresponding author needs to submit a valid e-mail address for the Congress Team to establish personal contact and ensure further communication and guidance through the completion of the NUTRICON Participation & Submission Process.